This is a side dish and a condiment. It takes 30 to 40 minutes to prepare.

Khatti-Meethi Tomato Chutney


The ingredients for 15 to 20 persons or 4 persons over a week.

500 gm tomato

250 gm grapes which maybe a little sour to add to the tangy taste

A teaspoon consisting of a quinted of Indian spices call Panchforna –

saunff (fennel seeds), methi (fenugreek), ajwain, jeera (cumin seeds) and rai (mustard seeds).

2 to 3 bay leaves and 2 to 3 red dried chilly

2 teaspoon cooking oil (olive or mustard or vegetable, any will do)

Half a cup of jaggery powder

Half teaspoon salt


Dice the tomato and put it aside. Heat the cooking oil In a small wok. Add the quinted of spices (Panchorna), bay leaves and chilly and heat till they become brownish. Now add the tomato, grapes, jagggery and salt. Cook till the mixture gets pasty and then relatively dry. The sweet and sour tomato chutney is ready to eat.Ingredients-tomato-chutney Under-preparation-tomato-chutney